Tag Archives: Saturday Sketch

Saturday Sketch – The Esteemed Professor

28 May

As I’ve had a cold this week (again), I merely have time to present to you this sketch I did some time ago of Arrens, Headmaster of Stormwind University.

Yup, it’s most definitely a sketch. I’m personally amazed that he doesn’t look entirely like a girl, as most of my attempts at drawing men end up as. It’s the eyebrows, I’m sure.

This was drawn on the same day I did that snowball sketch, in case you were wondering.

Now excuse me while I go blow my nose some more…

— Misha

Saturday Sketch – Millya

7 May

Awhile back, Vidyala at Manalicious had a blogoversary. To thank her readers, she offered to do five minute sketches of those who commented on the Blogoversary post.

Guess who commented.

Go on, take a stab in the dark.

Well, lots of people commented, actually. Who wouldn’t? Vidyala is known for her artistic prowess. And in case you are unfamiliar with the prowess I speak of, just check out the Secret Santa piece she did of Mishaweha!

But yes, I did happen to comment, asking for a sketch of Likal, my Night Elf. Here’s the sketch Vidyala did (you can also see it in her sketch post):

Likal by Vidyala - 5 minute sketch


In return, as I felt a little guilty for DEMANDING a sketch (can you demand a sketch if it was offered? I propose that you can), I decided to draw a sketch of Vidyala’s main characters — her mage, Millya!


A sketch of Millya

I tried to leave it to five minutes or less, but I don’t think it was too bad, in the end. Even though Draenei are filled with lots of complicated parts you have to remember to draw, like horns and tentacles and face bumps. But I remembered the very important freckles!

Have you ever tried doing timed sketches before? It’s kinda fun, especially since it excuses any errors you feel you make!

Until next time!

— Misha

Saturday Sketch – Snowball Surprise

2 Apr

Anna of Too Many Annas had written an RP post some time ago, a brief interlude into the lives of Aely and Arrens. It took place during Winter’s Veil. I had sketched a scene from that post some time ago.

Since Winter has decided it wanted to see what April was like (hint: if Winter is there, it still looks like winter), I think that it makes a fitting tribute as today’s Saturday Sketch.

But to fully appreciate the scene, you should first read Anna’s Winter’s Veil post.

Have you read it yet?

No? But I supplied a link and everything.

Please, try again.

Have you read it now? … Well, I guess I’ll have to assume you did, as the image I drew is now right below this line (and you probably already saw it anyway).

(You may click the image to embiggen).


As soon as I read the post, I had this image in my mind (only better drawn and more funny). So I sketched it (in PEN!) on a nearby sheet of paper. That I then scanned (and removed some stray pen lines). Still, I don’t think it was too bad.

Have you ever read a passage that gave you an excellent mental image of what was going on? Have you ever illustrated such a passage before? And, most importantly, have you ever been unexpected beaned in the head by a snowball? Let me know in the comments!

Saturday Sketch – The Mysterious Rabbit

19 Mar

As I’ve gone silent for far too long, here’s a quick little ‘sketch’ I did some time ago:


Three images of a rabbit-person, facing forward, profile, and in rabbit form.

Emo Rabbit is Emo


Who is this rabbit man and why does he look so sad? Why is he only wearing gray? And did he mean to be misproportioned like that?

(The answers: I don’t know; Because colors are hard; No but it happens, you know?)

I think I drew him for some sort of Alice in Wonderland based RP on Gaiaonline, and he was to be the White Rabbit. However, I don’t believe the character sheet was ever finished — heck, I don’t think he has an actual name — and the RP never really took off either. So this reference picture has sat on my computer for awhile, to be thrust onto this site for your amusement.

Have you ever made a character that never was used? Was it a similar circumstance or something much more exciting? Let me know in the comments!

Saturday Sketch – Katiea in Plate

31 Jul

To keep up with the image theme for this week, I’d like to present yet another Sketch Saturday.

This particular sketch I drew in my notebook during a rather boring meeting that didn’t really involve the work I was doing for the project. It was a really long meeting too, which is why this sketch has a level of ‘detail’ my meeting sketches usually don’t have:

Katiea, a blood elf paladin, wearing spiky plate armor.

Katiea in plate. Healers always wear plate like this, right?

It’s Katiea! You remember her, don’t you? From that sketch before? The awesome healing pally!

“But why is she the subject of your sketch from work?” you may ask.

I’m so glad you asked. You see, Katiea and I were talking about paladin gear, and how that she hated the fact she had to heal in a skirt — she would much rather be wearing pants! So when I decided to sketch her character during work (as additional practice for another drawing, I think), I gave her a tough outfit. With pants. And if tons of spikes aren’t tough, I don’t know what is.

Now, the mace is sized at ‘ridiculously large’, but I figure the nob at the other end is a ridiculously dense counterweight so it makes perfect sense. PERFECT SENSE.

Other than that, I rather like the armor design, which is based on the standard ‘leveling plate’ found in Northrend (even if I made some of it rather large to fill up space. >.> )

So what about you? Have you ever doodled something neat during meetings? Or been annoyed that your healing plate = a plate skirt which is barely physically possible (at least not with complications?) Do tell!


Saturday Sketch – Katiea & Misha

10 Jul

I’m starting yet another post series that probably won’t be regular at all, but I think the weekend is a good time to share my art. Especially since I’ll probably never post on Monday.



Anyway, our first Saturday Sketch is a bonafide sketch, on lined paper and everything!

Katiea, a blood elf paladin, and Mishaweha, a Tauren shaman, play with a puppy and kitty, respectively.From left to right, there is an adorable puppy, Katiea, a blood elf paladin, an adorable cat, and Mishaweha, tauren shaman of blogging fame. It’s drawn with pencil on lined paper from a work notebook (as I might have drawn this during a boring meeting), which I then scanned into my computer and gave up on trying to edit the lines out of.

I still have lots of anatomy issues to work out (or ignore), but other than that I think it’s alright. You can see that Katiea (my healing buddy in guild) conveniently blocks Misha’s legs, so I don’t have to figure out which way they bend while she’s sitting down like that. And I still say it’s not too bad of a Tauren drawing, even if I’m still trying to figure out the best way for me to draw them.

That’s all for today! Hope you enjoyed this surprisingly short post (for me, that is)!


P.S. Today is my birthday! Happy birthday to me! *eats cake*