Tag Archives: Twitter Secret Santa Art Trade

Announcing the Twitter “Summer” Santa Art Trade 2013!

11 Jun

The Twitter Secret Santa Art Trade is back — this time for summer! (Hence the clever title – Thank you @riththewarluid!)

“But Misha — what is the Twitter Secret Summer Santa Art Trade?”

I’m so glad you ask, non-existent person! The Twitter Secret Summer Santa Art Trade (abbr. SSArtTrade) is when artists (who are on twitter) draw art for each other as a Secret Santa present (which means they don’t know who will be drawing their character) during the summer time, as to avoid the busy rush of Thing To Do around December.

I believe @LoreliAoD originally came up with this idea, and has hosted it in 2009 and 2010. I organized another one back in 2011, and now am trying my hand at it again this summer!

This is the 2013 site. And if you’re an artist type, feel free to join! Just send me a tweet before June 15th, and make sure you have some character references ready to go!

Happy Drawing!

– Misha

Secret Santa Art Trade 2011 – Now With Art!

15 Mar

The Twitter Secret Santa Art Trade 2011 finished late December and was quite successful, if you ask me! Tons of great art are posted on the site, and I’d encourage you to check it out!

I received my art from @rithtthewarluid, and it’s of Likal, my night elf hunter, and her pet Kanoni!

I just love it! I currently have it as my twitter avatar. And even more excitingly for Likal, I’ve started playing her again (at least a little bit). She’s ecstatic to get some attention again. Thanks again, Rith!

And of course, I ended up making some art too. This year it was for @greyseer!

Here’s a re-enactment of me on the day @Technophobia was drawing names out of a hat for who would draw for who:

Please not a person with a male character please not a person with a male character please not a person with a – Greyseer? Let’s check out his refs… Doh!

No offense Greyseer — I’m just not that good at drawing guys! And I knew I’d have a hard time expressing the awesomeness that is Tharion, because he looks totally badass.

My inability to draw guys probably shows a bit in the drawing, especially since I spent quite a large amount of time on the background and maybe not as much time on Tharion himself. (but check out that foreground cliff; it’s so pretty!) Also, I maaaay have left out some weapons and armor because they are also hard to draw. >_>

I saved “in-progress” images as I worked through this design so later I can do an in-depth post about my drawing process! And I may write an RP post describing what Likal is doing in the picture Rith had drawn; it just screams for a story, doesn’t it? I’ll probably do this for last year’s image too. :3

In the meantime, you really should go check out all the amazing art that was made! And if you participated, I hope to see you around next year for another year of art trading!


Announcing the Twitter Secret Santa Art Trade 2011!

16 Nov

That’s right folks — the Twitter Secret Santa Art Trade is back!

“But Misha — what is the Twitter Secret Santa Art Trade?”

I’m so glad you ask, non-existent person! The Twitter Secret Santa Art Trade (abbr. SSArtTrade) is when artists (who are on twitter) draw art for each other as a Secret Santa present (which means they don’t know who will be drawing their character).

I believe @LoreliAoD originally came up with this idea, and has hosted it in 2009 and 2010. She’s a bit busy this year, so I volunteered to take over organizing the site, while @Technophobia will be handing out assignments.

This is the 2011 site. And if you’re an artist type, feel free to join! Just send me and/or Technophobia a tweet before the 20th, and make sure you have some character references ready to go!

If you want to follow the fun on twitter, search for the #SSArtTrade2011 hashtag. I’m sure you’ll find some interesting tweets as it gets closer to the deadline!

Happy Drawing!

– Misha