Tag Archives: Blog Statistics

2011 In Review

6 Mar

Happy New Year!!!

Why, it seems like only yesterday I was celebrating this joyous occasion with my friends and –

What’s that? It was over two months ago?

Well. Better late than never, right?

At least the WordPress.com stats helper monkeys weren’t late when they prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog, similar to the one they put together last year. Only this year’s version comes with lag-inducing graphics.

Those same lag-inducing graphics make it slightly harder to pull into a fully commented blog post. But fear not, for I have carefully transcribed copy/pasted the text information over here so I can write snarky comments.

If you’d like to see the dazzling webpage in all its glory, just click here to see the complete report.

If you’d prefer the transcription (with my comments, in dark red), then read on!

WordPress.com presents

Me, Myself… And All Of Them

2011 in blogging

There are lag inducing fireworks for each day I wrote a post. I don’t know if they loop — I went and read the rest of the report instead. If you have the patience to watch, feel free to let me know. 😀

Happy New Year from WordPress.com! And a very Happy (belated) New Year right back atcha, WordPress.com!

To kick off the new year, we’d like to share with you data on your blog’s activity in 2011. You may start scrolling! If I can through the fireworks lag. Does all this lag mean I need a new computer? I think it does.

Crunchy numbers (Om nom nom nom…)

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 11,000 times in 2011. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 4 sold-out performances for that many people to see it. That’s a pretty solid number there. But doesn’t it sound even more impressive when you use last year’s comparison? A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers, which means 11,000 people would fill 26.44 jets! Or, if you gathered the lifetime production of saliva from 11,000 people, it would fill about 104 Olympic swimming pools! (Thanks again, Weird Converter!)

In 2011, there were 62 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 103 posts. There were 245 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 246mb. That’s about 5 pictures per week. I have a tendency to upload images first, ask questions put them into posts later.

The busiest day of the year was April 27th with 190 views. The most popular post that day was My Guild Still Doesn’t Understand Me.

This section had four images in it. I assume these images were from some of my most popular posts.

The largest image was this one, from the ‘most popular post’:

Followed by three smaller images also from popular posts.

The first one is related to Xena searchers, as it was when I was introducing Xena the cat, even if her picture wasn’t pulled:

Mishaweha rides a black cat with white-fire tipped wings.

My new kitty!

The next are people, who like me, were looking for some Thor fanservice:

(Speaking of, I can’t wait for The Avengers to come out. I hope it’s good!)

And lastly, my perennial popular post contains this most awesome picture:

Power of the Horde, by Blood

Power of the Horde, by Blood

Someday I’ll find out who this Blood person is so I can ask gush about their awesome art!

How did they find you?

The top referring sites in 2011 were:

  • twitter.com Thanks for reading, Twitter Friends (and spam bots!)
  • daily-quests.com I drew Fyreuni for last year’s Secret Santa Art Trade and she posted it on her site. I think some of her readers stopped by to visit. :3
  • spiritbond.blogspot.com Thanks for putting me on your blog roll!
  • wordpress.com Whoo, wordpress works its magic!
  • Google Reader Thanks for reading through the magic of Google Reader (now with new privacy policies)!

Some visitors came searching, mostly for xena, unamused, xena warrior princess, unamused face, and texas hash. I’m getting steady traffic from people looking for these images. In fact, I had a huge traffic spike after Lucy Lawless was arrested… Keep it up, Google Searchers — you boost my ego!

Where did they come from?

At this point there is a map of the world with generic MSN-messenger shaped people over each inhabited continent, sized relative to how many people have viewed the blog from those locations. You can then mouse over them to get up to the top 5 countries for each continent.

Most visitors came from The United States. The United Kingdom & Canada were not far behind.

And here are the detailed stats that I am helpfully writing out instead of making you mouse over, going from largest to smallest person-thing. Unfortunately, they don’t provide the overall percentage for each region.

North America

  1. The United States 82.9%
  2. Canada 13.2%
  3. Mexico 2.2%
  4. Honduras 0.2%
  5. Puerto Rico 0.2%


  1. The United Kingdom 23.6%
  2. Italy 8.3%
  3. Netherlands 8.2%
  4. Germany 6.3%
  5. France 4.7%


  1. Australia 86.4%
  2. New Zealand 13.2%

(I guess there are only two places in Oceania that viewed the site. >_>)

South America

  1. Brazil 65.4%
  2. Columbia 11.0%
  3. Argentina 9.6%
  4. Chile 7.0%
  5. Peru 1.5%


  1. Philippines 15.5%
  2. Indonesia 13.4%
  3. India 12.5%
  4. Malaysia 7.8%
  5. Israel 6.9%


  1. Egypt 55.6%
  2. South Africa 29.6%
  3. Algeria 5.6%
  4. Sudan 3.7%
  5. Ghana 1.9%

Whoo! Fun stats, eh?

Who were they?

Your most commented on post in 2011 was The Return of the Link Round Up! Best way to get lots of comments on a post: Link other people and respond to all comments. That way the count doubles! XD

These were your 5 most active commenters:

  • 1 TheIdiotSpeaketh 5 comments WoW bloggers may not be familiar with this gentleman, but he writes one of the most hilarious/interesting blogs in the world! I encourage you to check it out!
  • 2 Faeldray 5 comments Writer of Petoholics Anonymous, she is filled with much awesomeness.
  • 3 Cynwise 3 comments If you don’t know who Cynwise is, I… I don’t know what to say. Besides telling you to follow her him on twitter and read all his blogs immediately!
  • 4 Jasyla 3 comments Jasyla cannot be tamed! No really, that’s her blog. Go check it out. :3
  • 5 kamaliaetalia 2 comments She’s a Shaman, just like me! Go read her blog too!

Perhaps you could follow their blog or send them a thank you note? Or I’ll just thank them here. So thank you all for commenting. And YOU all should check out their blogs, posthaste! They all are super awesome!

Attractions in 2011

These are the posts that got the most views in 2011. You can see all of the year’s most-viewed posts in your Site Stats.

Some of your most popular posts were written before 2011. Your writing has staying power! Consider writing about those topics again. What was that WordPress? You think I should put in more google image search pictures to attract more google image searchers? CAN DO.

The main report page goes on for a little while longer, but it’s mostly WordPress telling you to keep blogging and the like. All in all, it wasn’t a bad year. Hopefully this year will be just as good, if not better. After all, I’m off to a great start



Has it been a year already?

8 Apr

Ah, April. It seems like only yesterday it was March (though that isn’t too far off from the truth). A month where Spring is supposedly supposed to bloom all sorts of flowers (or is it supposed to rain? Either way, I’m certainly hoping for something that is not snow). A month that contains my sister and my best friend from elementary school’s birthdays.

And it apparently is a month that contains my blogoversary.

In fact, my blogoversary has already come and gone. It was on April 3rd, one year ago, that I made my first post.

I’ve kept myself busy, too. 56 posts written (not including this one), 108 comments made on the blog (though about half are mine), and 5,535 spam comments blocked (and counting). Not to mention the 723 tweets I’ve made on my blogging twitter account!

So here’s a toast — to another year of blogging, writing, and reading! And I hope you, dear reader, will be here to enjoy it with me!

Mishaweha, a tauren, bows before you in thanks.

Thanks for reading!


2010 In Review

26 Jan

For this week’s ‘PostAWeek’, I’m copping out and showing the stats email WordPress sent me (and presumably, all the rest of the WordPress bloggers. Don’t worry — I’ve added comments to make the read even more interesting!

The stats helper monkeys at WordPress.com mulled over how this blog Me, Myself… And All Of Them did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Wow. At first I thought they knew I blogged about World of Warcraft. Then I realized it just meant they were impressed. Also, I enjoy how this meter has no red.

Crunchy numbers

Featured image

A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 2,400 times in 2010. That’s about 6 full 747s. Or to put it another way, if each viewer had a can of beer each time they viewed the site (which they wouldn’t, since a good number of them are spambots), the amount of beer would fill about 6.25 bathtubs (thank you, Weird Converter!)

In 2010, there were 41 new posts, not bad for the first year! Technically the first post was in April, so that’s not even a full year! There were 165 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 34mb. That’s about 3 pictures per week. They chose a cute picture for this section, suspiciously from one of my most popular posts. Good thing they picked the cute picture — if they hadn’t I would have had to change it, and fiddling with pictures is such a drag.

The busiest day of the year was July 12th with 75 views. The most popular post that day was About. That was the day I joined twitter and @ILikeBubbles told people to welcome me. I was overwhelmed by the luv on the twitters. ❤ you guys!

Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were twitter.com (WoW bloggers/readers, spambots), blogazeroth.com (WoW bloggers/readers), mmomeltingpot.com (WoW bloggers/readers), aodstudios.com (WoW artists), and healthfitnesstherapy.com (spambots).

Some visitors came searching, mostly for power of the horde tooth, power of the horde – tooth, tooth horde, horde tooth, and horde by tooth. These searchers end up at this post (look familiar?), as they too are trying to find out who this ‘Tooth’ is. My own searches for the artist Tooth have also been futile. Tooth, if you’re out there, link us your site so we all can find it, because you draw awesome.

Attractions in 2010

These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.


About March 2010
Since most visitors want to know more about me.


A Picture Tells A Thousand Words (A Shared Topic Post) July 2010
5 comments This is the post that most searchers got to while looking for the artist Tooth.


Live and Let Die (A Shared Topic Post) July 2010
10 comments This was another shared topic post from Blog Azeroth. I believe it was also linked to by the MMO Melting Pot.


Flying Ace (A Shared Topic Post) July 2010
7 comments See the comments from #3.


Character References For Art Trade November 2010
This post is a password protected one for the Secret Santa Art Trade, which I talked about here. Overall, this list shows some of my better works, though my more popular posts are definitely ones based off of Shared Topics!

And there you have it. A (nearly) full year of blogging is summed up nicely (and better yet, I didn’t have to do the summing!) Hopefully these positive blogging trends continue into this year. So please, keep reading!