Tag Archives: Tauren

Random WoW Thoughts That Are Mostly About Gathering

18 Oct

I’ve recently started to level my low-level toons again. And by ‘level’ I mean ‘get their bags and professions in order and then maaaybe think about leveling them’. Poor low-level toons.

Anyway, here’s a list of some random thoughts I’ve had on the matter

  • Turns out a lot of the herbs you can gather for leveling Herbalism are not very useful for leveling Alchemy.
  • I’ve concluded that there is no Goldthorn. It is merely a myth. The extremely high-priced “Goldthorn”s on the Auction House are fakes, and there is no way to level your Alchemy past 200 because of all the so-called “Goldthorn” that’s required.

    Moisha levels up while picking plants

    Moisha demonstrating how to ding while gathering herbs (she's so fast at gathering she was mounting up to go already!)

  • Dinging your toon while grabbing herbs is pretty cool.
  • Tauren are super super cheap while gathering herbs now. I’m really glad my Tauren Druid gathers herbs, because it will be way cheaper later on when she’s a bird.
  • I’m able to farm in a zone for 1, maybe 2 passes before I become bored and see if I can make anything with what I’ve gathered (answer: No, I can’t. No Goldthorn).
  • When I start to level a toon I haven’t touched in awhile, I tend to do these things first:
    • Rearrange the spell bar (only if it looks ‘weird’ to me. This involves me actually remembering what the icons are, which is not always the case).
    • Clean out the bags by getting rid of junk and reorganize where everything is in the bags.
    • Check if the bank needs to be organized too.
    • Figure out if I should level up my professions some more and then attempt to do so.
  • After I complete all those steps, I usually stop playing and don’t level them. ENDLESS CYCLE!
  • A lot of stuff I saved in the past is total not worth it now (Lvl 12 Healing Potions on my level 40 toon? That will help.) Sure clears up a lot of bag space.
  • I wrote down a list of all the pets I want Mamouska, my second hunter, to collect (my resource being Petopia). I’m having her pick up winged pets. Naming theme is the NATO phonetic alphabet.
    • Hopefully I can keep the list down to 26 pets; otherwise I’d have a pick a new theme! Horrors!
  • I took Mamouska out to Stonetalon to go get a Ghostly Green Owl (the Emerald Spirit). I always wanted a Green Owl ever since they came out in Wrath, and a ghost one can only be better.
    • I’m still going to get the Green Owl though, once Mamouska is high enough in level.
  • You can buy limited quantities of Volatile Rum in the Thousand Needles Inn. Time for more Goblin Rocket Fuel!
  • It’s weird taking a mid-level toon into these new Cataclysm quest zones. Things are familiar… and yet they aren’t. I guess it depends on the zone.
That’s all for now!

Meet Bluburry

15 Aug

One of my original intents in making this blog was to showcase my characters. So far I’ve showcased… one. One character. Obviously I have a stellar record for doing this.

But lately I’ve been roleplaying more on Feathermoon, except I’ve switched sides For The Horde! And my main Horde RP character a Death Knight called Bluburry who’s history I’d like to share with y’all.


The Basic Information

Name: Bluburry Stonehoof (She currently goes by just her first name).
From: World of Warcraft
Race: Tauren
Gender: Female
Age: 37

Bluburry, wearing her typical armor and waving her sword around.

Appearance: Bluburry stands at a few inches short of seven feet, an average height for Tauren women. Her looks, however, are not average, mostly due to the fact that she is undead. Glowing blue eyes and bright blue mane, braids and tail confirm any suspicion that she is no longer living. The rest of her fur is an unnatural white, as are her horns. Her current clothing choice, dark blue plate armor with blue runes, does hides little of her unusual coloring.

Bluburry speaks in a slow, southern drawl.
Home: Orgrimmar
History: Bluburry lived most of her life in the hills of southern Barrens with her father, Brightstar. Her mother, Bluehawk, died during a centaur attack when Bluburry was young.

Her family is part of the large and widespread Stonehoof tribe. Their particular subset in the southern hills was only a few families large, but they were known for their expertise in crafting metal weapons and armor. They would sell these armaments when they met with other tribes, a few times a year. Her father, one of the most skilled weaponsmiths, gained fame amongst the tribes for his wares. Brightstar weapons were highly valued.

Because of her tribe’s smithing nature, Bluburry too learned the trade from her father. She slowly became an excellent smith herself, helping her father to create his famed weapons. Not only did she learn to smith the weapons, her father also taught her the basics to use each kind for both demonstrations and to defend herself from attack. While she certainly was not as skilled as a trained warrior, Bluburry knew enough to be a threat to those who would attack them.

Her tribe continued to provide weapons to other Tauren until the founding of the Horde. When the Orcs came, the Stonehoofs from all corners of the map lent their aid in the form of Braves to fight and armaments for them to use and wear. Her tribe was a part of this, and they provided quality weapons for the Horde efforts. The major difference was that they traded these weapons for pure gold, instead of different types of goods they would normally trade with other tribes.

Even after the Horde had been founded and the war had mostly concluded, Bluburry and her father continued their smithing trade in the Southern Barrens. Thunderbluff was founded, and the various fronts that the Horde continued to fight around the world gave them even more business. Their local tribe worked together to provide fulfill orders from the Horde and private individuals, and Bluburry would help with the bookkeeping. She would also make deliveries to troops across Azeroth.

Bluburry has a sad.

It was on one such trip where she was killed in a skirmish in the Plaguelands of Eastern Kingdoms. Not long after, she was raised as a Death Knight by the Lich King. During her time under his control, she learned to wield swords and axes with a much greater proficiency than she had in the past.

Once she was freed from the Lich King’s control, she went and stayed in Orgrimmar. She began doing mercenary and smithing work for the Horde as a way to atone for the atrocities she commited while under the Lich King’s grasp — acts that she still remembers. Bluburry has yet to go back to her tribe, due to her undead state. It is unlikely they even know she is alive.

Recently, she’s joined a group of like-minded Horde members called the Sword & Quill. She appreciates their guidance and admires their ideals.
Personality: Bluburry is a laid-back, easy-going Tauren, a trait likely gotten from her Southern upbringing. She does have a sense of humor, but is awkward enough around others that it doesn’t always show. She has a strong sense of duty and loyalty. However, she’s a little slow on the uptake when learning. Bluburry also has conflicting feelings about being a Death Knight, though she is still slowly accepting her fate.

Bluburry finds it easiest to accept her fate while gazing into the distance.

Additional Notes

I had the idea for Bluburry the moment I saw you could make a bright blue Tauren Death Knight, back in the days of Wrath. I had already made a dark blue Tauren on my main server (that’s Mourninglory), but I absolutely had to make a bright blue one!

So I made one on Moonguard and came up with a loose backstory (a little bit slow, speaks with a southern accent, is a skilled blacksmith who learned from her father but is consumed with guilt for being an evil abomination /emo). And then I never played on her.

Some time passed and I ended up RPing on Feathermoon. I decided to reroll the exact same character on that server in hopes to actually RP with her… and then left her alone for another year or so. That was when I learned about The Sword & Quill from another guildie on the Alliance side. I checked it out, and here we are. I go to their weekly RP meetings, and they’ve been really fun. I highly recommend them for an RP guild on Feathermoon!

Bluburry is looking forward to all of this too!

I’m really excited to be playing on her, even if I’m bad at small-talk in and out of game… not to mention how I keep changing her Southern accent! (I’m sure I’ll get it down pat someday). My plan is to have go back to her tribe, and more importantly her father, where there will hopefully be a tearful reunion and character growth all around. This was my original plan for her story, I still haven’t had the opportunity to play it out, but it may happen soon! I’m already crossing my fingers that it will end up going well!

As an added bonus, here is her in-game application that was turned into The Sword & Quill:

Your Name

Race and Class
Tauren Death Knight

Age & Residence
37 – Orgrimmar

Primary Occupation
Sword for Hire

Professions or Notable skills
Blacksmith. Can mine and smelt metals.

Are you currently or previously affiliated with any major faction (Kirin Tor, Scryers, etc.) or guild?
Former Death Knight of the Lich King (deceased). Now unaffiliated.

Who or what brings you to the Sword and Quill?
I spoke with an acquaintance who said the Sword and Quill would be a good place to be.

What do you hope to gain by becoming a member?
I hope to gain companionship and more opportunities to use my skills.

What can you offer as a member?
I can offer my sword, and my blacksmithing skills, to others in Sword and Quill.

Any additional information you would like considered?

She’s pretty verbose, duncha think? XD


If I Had Started Playing During Cataclysm…

15 Jun
  • Question Marks on PaperMishaweha might have been a Priest instead of a Shaman. (After all, my first character was a Human Priest, shortly before I switched to a Shaman Tauren (as I was immediately enamored with Tauren when we got the game). It’s not to hard to believe that if there were Tauren Priests I would combine the two…)
    • Therefore I would read even more Priest blogs than I do.
  • A Worgen, Goblin, Blood Elf, or Draenei could’ve been my main!
  • I might not have ended up on Ysera with my awesome guildies — we decided to roll on one of the suggested servers, Ysera.
  • I would still be a noob. I don’t learn very fast.
  • Leveling would have been much, much faster, and possibly much more fun.
    • I probably wouldn’t’ve had to ask The SA for so much help with quests, for example!
  • My raiding experience would likely be near zero.
    • I’d be clamoring to try out raids now and work them into my schedule instead of sitting on the side lines.
    • I’d also be really interested in the ‘old content’ raids and would wonder why everyone seems to be sick of this ‘Ulduar’ and ‘Naxx’.
    • ZA & ZG would also not hold as many memories when running them as 5 mans.
  • My Roleplaying would either be increased or nonexistent, depending on if I joined an RP server or not!
  • I wouldn’t have stopped my subscription because of school.
  • “Auction House? What’s that? Sounds like a scary place!”
    • AKA I would be lacking in gold reserves as I doubt I would consider touching the Auction House after only a few months.
  • I wouldn’t have made so many Priest alts to try out their racial spells.
  • … But I still would have a ton of alts.

What about you? How much would be (hypothetically) different if you had joined the game later? Would you have made a different main? Picked a different server? Focused on a different aspect of the game? Or would everything be the same, only shinier? Or if you started playing in a later expansion, what would have been different if you started play sooner? Let me know in the comments!