Tag Archives: MMO blogging

Link Roundups – A Blast From The Past!

6 Aug
Misha rides a kodo, using a lasso to roundup links

Yeehaw! It’s a link roundup! (This is still a WIP, though now that I’ve posted it, I’m likely never to finish it!)

The past month or so, that is. At any rate, let’s dig in!

This time the topics include an epic RP Storyline, some Auction House stories, thoughts on Spending Cash in the cash shop and elsewhere, some thoughts on the Past, Future, and the Present (of WoW).

RP Storyline

I don’t know if you keep up with the Feathermoon crew much (I haven’t of late, to tell the truth), but Too Many Annas has a nice short with our good Headmaster Arrens in it. It made me quite curious to find out what happens next, and luckily I got to read on, as seen in the follow-up stories in this mega-storyline:

Hopefully there will be more soon!

Auction House

Phat Lewt’s Gold Blog points out that TSM 2.0 is in open beta. I didn’t even know there was a 2.0! I think I’ll stick with the old fashioned TSM for now until more info is out on TSM 2.0, because at least I know how it works!

Power Word: Gold gives the rundown on how iLvl jumps work and how you can profit from them. Full of pretty graphs!

Spending Cash

The Grumpy Elf has some thoughts on WoW, the new cash shop model, and if it will ever go F2P.

If Navimie from The Daily Frostwolf was in charge of the WoW Cash Shop, this is what she would add (or remove).

The Daily Frostwolf also reports that one of their guildies has actually bought the transmog helms from the ‘pet store’. They actually look pretty nice on a Tauren, as seen in the post. But… I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be paying $15 for them. Maybe if they go on sale…

And for a slightly different take on how you can spend your money, Cold’s Gold Factory reported way back in July that the most recent WoW TCG expansion has all the loot cards! Maybe it’s time I get back into that hobby? Maaaaybe.

A Look To The Future

WoW Rare Spawns gives us a preview of … well, rare spawns! In 5.4 on the Timeless Isle, apparently. Neat!

In a look at futures that could maybe (possible) be, Variant Avatar suggests Blizzard make guilds more appealing. A compelling argument, with good improvement ideas to boot. (Yes, I would like to create my own guild quests!)

Herding Cats writes a little on the future (or lack of future) of MMO blogging. Not specifically WoW-related, but this is a blog about an MMO (or two, or three), so it’s a good read for you bloggers out there.

A Look To The Past

Tome of the Ancient prefers the places in Azeroth that haven’t changed. I must say, I’m rather adverse to change as well. But I haven’t even touched most of the Cataclysm leveling zones yet… (not that surprising, knowing my leveling record).

Power Word: Gold got a rare drop and asks if you remember a time you got an exceptionally rare item? I know I do; it was a fancy purple ring I got in a Scarlet Monastery run that freezes enemies that attack you. She’s outgrown it, obviously, but I’m pretty sure I’ve kept it in her bank.

WoW In The Present

Now with sub-categories: Just Playing and Raiding (which I suppose is a subform of playing but nevermind that!)

Just Playing

The Grumpy Elf talks about soloing WoW for the challenge.

Is leveling too easy? Not if you forget how to play your class, as Tome of the Ancient helpfully demonstrates. Don’t worry — I’ve done that very thing P L E N T Y of times.

Fellow altoholic at That Was an Accident has a goblin problem, I presume much like I have a Tauren problem.

Why do you play Warcraft? The Grumpy Elf examines this in a thoughtful post; I agree with many of the sentiments expressed.


The Daily Frostwolf gives an example of how they decide who sits out for their 10-man raid. My guild does it easy — no backups. Of course, this means sometimes we don’t raid at all when people are missing… >_>

The Was an Accident! has been having fun in LFR. First, a look at healing LFR without friends, and then going to LFR with friends. Plenty of screenies in these posts too!

— — —

That’s all for today! Happy gaming, everyone!
