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PostAWeek Challenge

9 Jan

While musing over writing more posts again after going ‘on vacation’ over the holidays, I spied this page off of my WordPress dashboard. A challenge, from WordPress, to post every day in 2011. PostADay, they called it.

“Every day?” I scoffed. “Even if I could do such an impossible feat — as I barely can post enough for one post a week — it seems a little late to the party, with today being January 7th.” For it was indeed the 7th when I mused this. The idea still intrigued me, so I continued reading.

And there, further down the page, was hope:

If you’re haven’t posted in ages, or have never posted at all, PostAWeek might be your speed. Still noble and bold, but perhaps more your style.

“Why yes!” I exclaimed to no one in particular. “I could surely post once a week like I had in the past, and this would surely keep me motivated! (Maybe). Ah, but alas! I am still behind, as it has already been 7 days since the start of the new year.”

Then I kept reading, and hope was restored unto me.

You can sign up any time – it’s okay if you are reading this on January 15th, or May 5th, or whenever.

“That means… I can participate! Huzzah!” I cheered, and then hurriedly followed the steps to join. Out of order, of course, as it was far easier to subscribe to their website for the project, The Daily Post, than it was to write a post about joining in.

“How nice of them!” I exclaimed. “They give blogging topics and advice every day! That seems pretty convenient if you need to think of something to blog every day. I’m sure I could figure out a way to use one and relate it to World of Warcraft if I needed a topic idea. Not to mention Blog Azeroth, which also provides weekly prompts. With this much inspiration, the only thing that could stop me is my inherit laziness!”

And with that, I proceeded to wait a few days to finish up the first step (technically) of joining the PostAWeek movement.

In all seriousness, I actually think this might help me post more. Perhaps you could even call it a resolution. Have you made any resolutions pertaining to blogging this year?